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Web enables me to continue working

Michael Noam Nofin , Jerusalem
Age: 87
Residence: Nofim, Jerusalem
Use: For medical reasons had to stop tour guiding in1983.
Web enables me to continue working
I am sending u a list of my web use
1. I open daily: email ,Newspaper ,Weather ,Bank account
2. I have:
Translated into English and German the plants in data bank www.botanic.co.il
Written a tourist itinerary in www.netours.com
Translated into German the main parts of the above
Written my fathers biography
Learned touch-type from senselang

3. I am writing my own biography
also giving and taking computer lessons

4. I use wikipedia etc. to study various subjects


שלום לך,
מזמין אותך לאתר שלי:
אני מחפש כותבים אל איכות חיים.
ונראה לי שיש לך זאת .
בטח יותר ממני .
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